What is Pega and how to become a Pega Developer?

What is Pega and how to become a Pega Developer?

Pega is an advanced application to solve the Business problems by automating Organizations Business Process. Application development process become very smoother and faster compare with traditional application development platform. Industry specific BPM Applications developed by the PEGA are works faster than other application and able to provide services to external applications and also integrate with external environment.

Pega Course Overview:

In this course, individual learn the core principles of application development on the Pega 8 platform. Business users and delivery team members use these principles to collaboratively plan and deliver business applications faster and more accurately for maximum business value. Hands-on exercises help solidify your understanding of these core principles.

The hands-on exercises guide you in exploring how to build a working prototype of a business application that mirrors the way business people naturally think about how work gets done.

Pega Training Course:

What is Pega?

Pega is a platform used to build web applications simply. We can design, develop, test, and deploy the applications in this environment. Pega platform uses No-code/Low-code feature to make the application based on rule forms (it’s a form-based development).

Who can learn Pega?

Pega is a platform that is independent of coding. Practically 90percent of the time, we don’t use any coding language to build the applications, So it’s a code-independent platform. Anyone who has a basic understanding of an application can learn Pega and become a part of this platform. Refer to our blog A Beginners guide to Pega Course

What are prerequisites to learn Pega?

Pega is a platform-independent from coding, and technically, there is no prerequisite to understanding/learning Pega. However, having java knowledge will be an added advantage.

Certifications in Pega

Certifications on Pega are based on the role that you are playing on the platform. If you are a Pega developer, there are 3 levels of certifications

PCSA (Pega Certified Senior System Architect)

PCSA (Pega Certified System architect)

PCLSA (Pega Certified Lead System Architect)

The first level certification is mandatory for anyone who wants to be a Pega developer.

Job Opportunities in Pega

Demand for the Pega Platform is increasing exponentially, and so is the number of opportunities. There is a shortage of skilled Pega developers in the market and getting a job call is not a big deal. Opportunities are plenty, but whether I am up to the mark in terms of the platform knowledge. If you have a proper skillset getting a job is not a big deal on Pega.

Pega demand in the market

The number of companies accepting this platform is exponentially increasing, and it’s into almost every industry in the market. This demand will surge in the future, and Pega has a long way to go in tomorrow!